Concept 1 Maximal glazing and room width, existing side deck is kept, only con is the low ceiling height needs to accommodate the box gutter

Concept 1 Maximal glazing and room width, existing side deck is kept, only con is the low ceiling height needs to accommodate the box gutter

Concept 2 Gable roof with raked ceilings - give the opportunity for high ceilings but would require a new roof to integrate into the existing pitched roof...

Concept 2 Gable roof with raked ceilings - give the opportunity for high ceilings but would require a new roof to integrate into the existing pitched roof...

Concept 3 testing the idea of a solid eastern wall create a more "closed-in" with a narrower room width to option and larger side deck. Access to the rear yard is kept testing the idea of a solid eastern wall

Concept 3 testing the idea of a solid eastern wall create a more "closed-in" with a narrower room width to option and larger side deck. Access to the rear yard is kept testing the idea of a solid eastern wall

Concept 4 opens up to the deck rather than backyard

Concept 4 opens up to the deck rather than backyard

Existing state

Existing state

Concept 1 full living area and kitchen view. Extending moves the point where light can enter the building - making the existing space darker

Concept 1 full living area and kitchen view. Extending moves the point where light can enter the building - making the existing space darker

Concept 2 has good potential for light penetration but tying into the existing kitchen and toilet / laundry will negate that potential... as seen. Also, the high roof (ridge height) will block light coming in through the existing window

Concept 2 has good potential for light penetration but tying into the existing kitchen and toilet / laundry will negate that potential... as seen. Also, the high roof (ridge height) will block light coming in through the existing window

reworking the kitchen and moving the toilet / laundry - with the addition of larger glazed doors substantially increase natural light

reworking the kitchen and moving the toilet / laundry - with the addition of larger glazed doors substantially increase natural light

Concept 4 the additional glazed door > opening from the new lounge to deck, wont massively impact natural light except in the mornings (faces east)

Concept 4 the additional glazed door > opening from the new lounge to deck, wont massively impact natural light except in the mornings (faces east)

Existing dining and kitchen area view

Existing dining and kitchen area view

Concept 1 pushes out the deck ny a few meters and basically encloses the area of the existing deck

Concept 1 pushes out the deck ny a few meters and basically encloses the area of the existing deck

Concept 2 would require removal of the existing tree and has quite a large scale for the space

Concept 2 would require removal of the existing tree and has quite a large scale for the space

Concept 3 new folding doors and new deck raised to internal floor height to make indoor / outdoor living

Concept 3 new folding doors and new deck raised to internal floor height to make indoor / outdoor living

Concept 4 retains about the same amount of yard as is existing but the negative is that there is no longer any outdoor space to the north aspect

Concept 4 retains about the same amount of yard as is existing but the negative is that there is no longer any outdoor space to the north aspect

Existing view from the backyard

Existing view from the backyard

Concept 1 keeps the existing side deck and keeps the existing deck level for new deck

Concept 1 keeps the existing side deck and keeps the existing deck level for new deck

Concept 2 tests the idea of a wrap around deck (possible by tree removal) and keeps the existing deck level, also note the change to scale and the gable extension of the existing pitched roof

Concept 2 tests the idea of a wrap around deck (possible by tree removal) and keeps the existing deck level, also note the change to scale and the gable extension of the existing pitched roof

Concept 3 raises the deck level to the internal floor level, if the existing deck can be jacked up there will only be a small new section of deck

Concept 3 raises the deck level to the internal floor level, if the existing deck can be jacked up there will only be a small new section of deck

Concept 4 keeps the existing side deck but raises it to internal floor level. Concepts 3 & 4 would retain a deck area suitable for outdoor dining vs the other concepts

Concept 4 keeps the existing side deck but raises it to internal floor level. Concepts 3 & 4 would retain a deck area suitable for outdoor dining vs the other concepts

Concept 1 Plans

Concept 1 Plans

Concept 1 Sections

Concept 1 Sections

Concept 2 Plans

Concept 2 Plans

Concept 2 Sections

Concept 2 Sections

Concept 3 Plans

Concept 3 Plans

Concept 3 Sections

Concept 3 Sections

Concept 4 Plans

Concept 4 Plans

Concept 4 Sections

Concept 4 Sections